Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Lice Lessons/Life Lessons

The National Association of School Nurses states:

"Head lice are a common community problem. An estimated 6-12 million infestations occur each year in the United States, most commonly among children ages 3 to 11 years old.  Though a head lice infestation is often spotted in school, it is usually acquired through direct head-to-head contact elsewhere, such as sleepovers or camp.

Head lice are not dangerous, and they do not transmit disease. Additionally, despite what you might have heard, head lice often infest people with good hygiene and grooming habits. Your family, friends, or community may experience head lice. It's important to know some basics, including how to recognize symptoms and what to do if faced with an infestation."

Our district's school nurses have provided some helpful information regarding head lice.  Check out this link for additional information.

National Association of School Nurses